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Athens, Greece in June Flights only from £120.

Updated: May 27, 2018

From 04.06 - 09.06 want to enjoy amazing Greece in Athens ?

Once known for smog, traffic and tacky architecture, Athens is a city reformed thanks to fortunes brought by the 2004 Summer Olympics. Spotless parks and streets, an ultra-modern subway, new freeways, an accessible airport and all signs in perfect English make the city easily negotiable. Meriting more than a stopover en route to the islands, sophisticated Athens sites include many pillars of Western history, from the Acropolis to the Temple of Olympian Zeus, as well as treasures in the National Archaeological Museum.

Here are good offer for flight tickets from London Athens:

04.06 - 09.06 (£120) 5 nights, direct flight .

08.06. - 13.06.(£122) 5 nights, direct flight.

08.06. - 14.06.(£122). 6 nights, direct flight.

10.06. - 14.06.(£122). 4 nights, direct flight.

Dates doesn't fit, set your own

Spend your vacation in 3 Star Hotel, 5 nights starting from £124

We recommend staying in 3 star Cavo D' Oro right next to the coast line, 5 nights starting from £190

Rent bicycle or bike starting from £10 per day, to discover what Athens has to offer.

Some things to do while you are staying there:

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